Friday, 6 May 2011

How Does Your Media Product Represent Particular Social Groups?

The reason is chose the image on the left was because I liked the fact that the band were swearing, this shows that the band don't really care what others may think and that they are not afraid to put themselves out there in such a fashion. This picture relates to the genre of their music (which is "hardcore" music) that fact that the image of "hardcore" in itself is not clean cut or censored in any way.
So I decided to do my main image like this (obviously without the loss of trousers). The connotations of this are that the band has attitude much like the image to the left. That is why I got the band not to smile, which worked because it shows that they don't really care. Two members look pissed off, one is looking away and the other has his eyes closed, although this may seem unprofessional it is what I wanted to capture. It shows they don't care for the image, just the music.
The demographics for this are male and female teenagers or young adults, not for children because of the swearing and not for the adults because they may see this as childish.
The main differences I did with my shot are the fact they are facing the camera, to directly involve the reader and the fact it's outdoors, so that I could get a natural light, so that their skin tint could be a little whiter.
This shows that the social group I am aiming for with this magazine aren't those who are tied down by rules, they live life and don't see ther need for authority, they are able to live freely and don't always do what they are told.

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